squint 00N

des tournages (2008)


Tout tourne ces mots : le cercle, by the dog, I believe que ce mot de ceux pour qui la terre tourne is singular : une ligne droite rigoureusement prolongée, plural : un cercle éternellement without a center which, to advance, tourne sur lui-même. L’utilisation du vide à la non-perdition of heat for all ce qui concerne l’habitation et la locomotion is turning, c’est exister like the ancient men who invented names, like the philosophers that always get dizzy as they turn round and round in their search for the nature des choses : this cyclone habité par l’immobile. Originally recorded in 2002 and performed once at l’Oeil de Poisson in Québec City and never previously released.

Fan-CD (mini CD within a transparent full-sized CD), front jewel case is scratched by a microphone 100 times in a circle pattern.

  1.        des tournages (18:23)

|CD+MP3 $5|

|AIFF $2|

|MP3 Free|

undo is a duo.
undo is Christof Migone & Alexandre St-Onge.